by jzagri | Jul 20, 2015 | Uncategorized
Hello everybody! Your friendly neighborhood director, here. I feel compelled to answer a burning question. Something that several people have asked and we feel needs clarification. Specifically having to do with copyright infringement and the taken down Kickstarter. Back in January of this year, I got a call from Warner Bros legal. Ensuring that I don’t have a heart attack, the very nice woman quickly assured me that we can still release the film. Basically they said that as of this year, they will be cracking down on crowd funding campaigns that have to do with their intellectual property, or IP. They asked us not to raise any more money through official means like kickstarter or indiegogo, and not to offer any more merchandise as reward. They did say however, that we can still distribute the perks we originally promised, which we are in the process of doing. We knew this might be a risk going in. Some companies hold their IPs very closely, and others are more generous. Luckily Warner Bros has been gracious with us, and we look forward to showing them just how much we love the books and their movies with our own little tribute. We hope this helps with any confusion. We are working diligently to finish the film, which is deep into completing visual effects. Our goal for release is the end of the year. And if you haven’t seen the trailer yet, which has been featured WAY more than we thought it would in news like BBC America, Hypable and The Mirror, here it is...
Snape Diary – 7/17/15
by jzagri | Jul 17, 2015 | Uncategorized
Hello everybody! Goodness what a week! We released the first teaser trailer and it’s a little surprising how much press we received! Check it out for yourself if you haven’t already 🙂 We hope you enjoy and we are hard at work on finishing the film. We are pushing for the end of the year, but it’s a lot of visual effects. Not just spells, but cleanup, inserting moving characters into painting frames, and matte paintings! If you feel so inclined, you can help us finish the film quicker and send a generous pledge 😉 the more money we get, the faster we finish! We also are pleased to announce that we will be holding a panel at this year’s NerdCon!. Our panel is under the name Broad Strokes and will happen August 22nd at 3:00pm. The director and actors will be there to talk about the film, along with showing off a little extra footage 🙂 We hope you get a chance to see us! You guys have been so supportive and amazing. We hope you can stick with us until the film is finished, and beyond! -Broad Strokes...
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